Monday, March 1, 2010

Popping my blog cherry!


I wrote a couple guest blogs for that were well-received so I am branching out on my own. I'm an actor/writer/producer living in Los Angeles (golly that looks so pretentious written out, haha) who is of the fuller figure. Its an interesting experience. You look at film and television and the lack thereof of chubby girls onscreen (although the tide is turning, yay!) and figure its a hard row to hoe. But you know, in this business its just another thing you're judged on. Its unfortunate that right now the trend is to populate the screen with walking swizzle sticks, but there you go. The double standard is really what riles me. Once upon a time I fantasized about headlining a reverse King of Queens type sitcom with Chris Pine playing my ridiculously gorgeous husband (and no one would say a word about the difference in attractiveness levels). However, Star Trek scuttled that idea. Oh, well...

With a partner, I wrote a screenplay. The heroine? A chubby girl. I would like to think I wrote myself a great role, but my partner and I also wanted to write her a happy ending (mine, as Natasha Beddingfield sang, is still unwritten). That's not all, though- we also wrote about blending families, single parenting, living with mental illness- its a comedy. My friend Kevin and I formed a production company and we're making this sucker. We're so proud of the story, and we have a wonderful director and DP who are just as invested in making a great film out of this. I love having an all male production team- we're going to be a chick flick with some serious balls.

Well, that's me- I hope things are well with you as you read this.

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